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    The Show of Foliage in Lessinia

    Foliage e l’arte del fotografare i magici colori dell’autunno dom. 15/10 con lorenzo e fotografo naturalista

    A walk accompanied by a nature photographer to enjoy and learn to photograph the natural spectacle of the leaves that change color in autumn, surrounded by iridescent reds, intense yellows, shiny browns. Going through the woods to photograph the foliage is an immersive experience, an emotion that gives well-being to the body and spirit.

    PICNIC BASKET: Rice salad, 1 sandwich with cold cuts of typical mountain cured meats, 1 fruit yoghurt, still or sparkling water

    TASTING OF MASO VERDE SPECIALTIES: on our return we will be welcomed by a table laden with platters of typical cold cuts and cheeses, from Monte Veronese to mezzano, from Cimbro of different ages to goat cheese, accompanied by handcrafted mustards and pickles. To finish with a sweet note, a cake made from an original ancient recipe, the Torta Linte, which contains all the scents of the flowers and woods of Lessinia, giving the unmistakable taste of goodness! In addition to sparkling and still water, will be offered juices.



    Foliage and the art of photographing the magical colors of autumn sun. 15/10 with lorenzo and a nature photographer

    10:00 am Meeting at MasoVerde

    10:15 am Immersion in the colors and lights of autumn, photography experiences guided by a nature photographer

    12:00 pm Picnic in the woods with the basket offered by Maso Verde

    15:00 pm Return to Masoverde and refreshment with a table laden with tasty specialties from Lessinia

    The departure is scheduled at 10:00 am from MasoVerde, located a few steps from the center of Roverè Veronese, in the Maso di Sotto 8 district, with abundant parking space.